Gardening Services in Calgary, AB



We started our community garden one month ago. Today, I pulled a full bunch of red and zesty radishes. Cooking and preparing with radishes is not something I normally do. I've had radishes in two meals: tacos and salad. My grandma A. would thinly slice them and combine them with her English dressing Salads. I plan on bringing her a bundle next weekend. If you are planning on growing an if you are planning on growing anything next summer, I highly recommend radishes. They're growing period (from germination to harvest) is one month. Even if you're like me and know little on cooking, they make splendid bug bait. I noticed mine were getting eaten with no effects on their harvest. Moreover, by acting as bait the radishes protected my cabbage. If the radish is too zesty for your liking (similar to wasabi) thinly slice and soak them in water for 30 minutes.

Radish Varieties

Wildrose Heritage Seed Company

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