Plant in Blocks, Not Rows! When it comes to making the most of your garden space, planting in blocks or beds is a game-changer compared to traditional rows. For example, plants that can be spaced 2 inches apart can fit four times the number of plants in a bed compared to rows. If Harvest Moon...
Category: Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable gardening in Grand Junction, Colorado, requires careful planning for the high desert climate. Gardeners prioritize raised beds, water-efficient practices, and heat-tolerant crops to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce year-round.
What is Lovage?
Lovage: The Herb That Thinks It’s Celery Lovage is that surprisingly tall plant in the garden that looks like celery but smells like parsley on steroids. It’s a culinary herb—and also has a history as a medicinal one. As Leslie Cox once said: “Lovage, Levisticum officinale, is one of those herbs you either know and...