Prunus Virginiana ‘Schubert’ (Chokecherry) Rosybloom Crabapple Clematis Macropetala Lonicera ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ Rosa ‘John Cabot’ Stachys Byzantina (Lanata) Salvia Transylvanica Picea Glauca (White Spruce) Lilium Nepeta ‘Dawn to Dusk’ Astrantia Major Veronica Incana Laurel Leaf Willow Clematis Alpina Fox Willow Hosta ‘Gold Standard’ Delphinium ‘Blue Bouquet’ Rosa ‘Simon Fraser’ Achillea Millfolium ‘ Summer Pastels’ Lonicera ‘Dropmore...
Author: Pike
Basic Steps for Landscaping Your Empty Lot
Not everyone can afford to hire a landscaper to overhaul their backyard in one go—and that’s okay! Most great gardens don’t start as masterpieces; they evolve over time with effort, money, and patience. If you’re ready to take your yard from “meh” to amazing, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get there. Step...
Preventing Dog Destruction of Gardens
You love cultivating your garden, but your dog might have other plans! When it comes to keeping your furry friends safe and maintaining your garden, there’s no need to compromise—you can enjoy your flowers and keep your pup out of trouble. Dogs Are Destroying My Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees Management Tips: Training: Train your dog...
Best Layout for Vegetable Gardens
Plant in Blocks, Not Rows! When it comes to making the most of your garden space, planting in blocks or beds is a game-changer compared to traditional rows. For example, plants that can be spaced 2 inches apart can fit four times the number of plants in a bed compared to rows. If Harvest Moon...
What is Lovage?
Lovage: The Herb That Thinks It’s Celery Lovage is that surprisingly tall plant in the garden that looks like celery but smells like parsley on steroids. It’s a culinary herb—and also has a history as a medicinal one. As Leslie Cox once said: “Lovage, Levisticum officinale, is one of those herbs you either know and...