Gardening Services in Calgary, AB

Seed Saving

Many annual flowers, such as nasturtiums are easy in terms of collecting seeds. During the growing season, deadhead any spent blooms to keep flower production high, but once a summer draws to close, allow some plants to go to seed to ensure an ample supply for next spring.

Why bother saving seeds:

  1. Satisfaction
  2. Budget Friendly (but remember time is money, you don't want to be fiddling too much if you don't enjoy doing it)
  3. Preserve favourite variations that your friend or family member grew
  4. Plants are adapted to your garden environment (SERIOUSLY THE BEST PART)
  5. Can result in genetic strains with improved traits (Larger blooms, color, disease resistance)

Seed Saving 101

  • Not all seeds can be succesffully saved
  • Hybrid seeds may not look like their hybrid parents. Sometimes they can look like their original grandparent. Sometimes they can revert back to one of the less desirable genetic branches of the family tree
  • Stick to open pollinated (OP) seeds this includes heirloom or heritage seeds
  • Understand if your plant is self-pollinated or cross-polinated (insects, wind etc.)

Examples of Self-polinating Plants:

These will most likely look like their parents!
  • Lettuce
  • Peppers
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Most Tomatoes
To collect seeds from your vegetables (like lettuce) you will need to allow them to flower. Once the seedpods turn brown, they are ready to collect.
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